1/27/2015 9:31:48 AM
All ADVAIA web sites require a valid DOMAIN NAME or "URL". We recommend purchasing your domain name, (if you do not have one yet) from "GoDaddy" which provides a very low cost for securing a domain name for your web site.
To begin, go to the GoDaddy web site.
Enter the Domain Name that represents your business. For example: If your business name is "Fantastic Adventures" you would type in fantasticadventures (all one word). Hit the SEARCH button. GoDaddy will then tell you if that domain name is available and what type of extension (.com, .net, .org, etc.) is available. They will also provide other versions of the domain name in the event that the one you wanted is not available.
Once you have found the domain name that you want you will see the price and an offer to register for 2 years for a reduced price. I would recommend taking advantage of that offer!
At this point you are creating your account and then paying for your domain. Make sure that you keep track of the following as you will need to provide some of this information when providing information for your new site to ADVAIA.
It's just that easy!
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